Saturday, 24 December 2011

Panic Stations It's soon Christmas

Christmas Eve OMG still have not completed Christmas Shopping, this is a tradition in itself with me, I really do find it difficult to do more than one thing at a time. Now that I am finished work for the holidays now I feel that I can finish my shopping, problem is my last day of work was the 23rd December which leaves me the 24th December to finish the shopping grrrrrrrr!!!!!!

My other distraction of course is that December also marks the six month milestone leading up to the "TRIP" or should I just call it the "MOVE" or is it only going to be a "HOLIDAY" and really at the end of the day does it "MATTER".

Well yes I think it does matter, language and how it is used is all powerful so if I think or talk about this event in a certain way then the message I am sending to others and myself may influence how it all works out, right?

If I talk about the "TRIP" people automatically think that there is a short end date and we will be back in a matter of months if I say "HOLIDAY" their perception is that we will return in a matter of weeks but if I talk "MOVE" its like "well how long will you be living overseas". I am going to use this in directing my future discussions with the other half who is still not so keen.

I have been through the whole Visa requirement thing and explained that my Visa type will allow us to live and work in the UK for up to five years blah blah blah he still just nods his head . I discuss my plans to travel to different countries in Europe while based in the UK and he just roles his eyes, are you getting the picture, I tell him we will get to go to Italy to visit our friends and this is when I get a bit more of a positive response, but all up my impression is that until we are on the plane he isn't going to believe this will happen.

Still some convincing to go on but Miss 4 is adament that we will be buying a motorhome and this I have to say tops the conversation right off, I think the idea of travelling around Europe in a motorhome is all too much and horrifying for him, but I will continue to work on him, after Christmas of course as I can only do one thing at a time.


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